
Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc
Toronto ON

Open map

KANDO id: 14398214

Corporate information

Official name
Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
Registration country

Company type

Canadian quantum computing hardware and software company.

Funding rounds

Series B USD 100,000,000

USD 100,000,000 ( )

Profile Country Notes
Bessemer Venture Partners (BVP) Early stage venture capital firm. Initial investment. Led the round.
Georgian Partners Follow-on investment.
OMERS Ventures The venture capital investment arm of OMERS, one of Canada’s largest pension funds Follow-on investment.
Timothy Draper (Tim Draper) Individual investor. Follow-on investment.

N/A CAD 4,400,000

( )

Profile Country Notes
Sustainable Development Technology Canada Initial investment. Led the round.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
